Board of Review at University Level, BOR (UL)

  • The BOR(UL) meetings are held at the planned frequency at 2 meetings / year for which agenda is developed by the Director QEC through coordination with Chairpersons/ HODs and approved by the VC.
  • Agenda and working papers of the meeting are distributed at least a week before the meeting. After the meeting Director QEC distributes approved minutes of the meetings amongst members within a week of the meeting. Absent members are also received the minutes. Director QEC takes actions and follow-ups on decisions taken by BOR (UL).
Board of Review, BOR (UL)

Board of Review at Department Level, BOR (DL)

  • The BOR(DL) meetings are held at the planned frequency @ 4 meetings/year for which agenda is developed by the Deputy Directors QEC with approval of the Director QEC.
  • Agenda and working papers of the meeting are distributed at least a week before the meeting. After the meeting Director QEC distributes approved minutes of the meetings amongst members within a week of the meeting. Absent members are also received the minutes. Deputy Directors QEC take actions/follow-ups on decisions taken by BOR (DL).
Board of Review, BOR (DL)