Training programme on "Use of Generative Artificial intelligence (AI) for supporting functions" was arranged for Officers and Staff on December 24, 2024. Training was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Samiuddin, Dy. Director-III, QEC.
Dr. Faaz Ahmed Butt, Dy. Director-I, QEC has conducted a training programme on "Health, Safety & Environment" for the Focal Persons of Health, Safety & Environment (Department Level) Committe. Session was held on December 17, 2024.
A training programme on "Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in office work" was arranged for the faculty members on December 17, 2024. Training was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Wasif, Director QEC
Dr. Muhammad Wasif, Director QEC conducted a training programme on "Effective Quality Management Audits", for the Auditors, Faculty members and Officers. Session was held on December 5, 2024.
A training programme on "Effective Communication Skills/ Email Writing Skills" was conducted by Prof. Dr. Sajida Zaki, Chairperson, Department of English Linguistics & Allied Studies on November 29, 2024. Training was attended by Faculty members, Officers and Staff.
Mr. Amjad Ali, Sr. IT Manager, Registrar Office conducted a training programme on "Departmental Website Update and its Management", held on November 26, 2024. Training was arranged for IT Managers and Data Entry Operators.
Training programme on "Development of SAR as per HEC guidelines" was arranged for the PT members on November 20, 2024. Training was conducted by Dr. Faaz Ahmed Butt, Dy. Director-I, QEC. 
Dr. Tariq Rehman, Dy. Director-II, QEC has conducted a training session on "Health, Safety & Environment (experiment based)" for the staff members of various departments. Training was held on November 18, 2024.  
A training session on “Strategic Management Portal was arranged on November 7, 2024. Training was conducted by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mubashir Khan, chairperson, Department of Computer Science & IT and it was attended by the Chairpersons and HoDs.
Training programme on “Islamic Orientation” was arranged for the staff of the university. Dr. Syed Azizur Rahman, Incharge, Regional Da’wa Center, Karachi conducted the training sessions on 31st October and 1st November, 2024.
Training programme on “Islamic Orientation” was arranged for the faculty members and officers of the university. Dr. Syed Azizur Rahman, Incharge, Regional Da’wa Center, Karachi conducted the training sessions on 23rd & 24th October, 2024.
Dr. Muhammad Samiuddin, Dy. Director-III, QEC has conducted a training session on “First Aid & Fire Fighting” for staff of various departments. Training was arranged on October 15, 2024.

Effective PhD Supervision was jointly organized by QEC and ASRB from 7th to 14th October, 2024 for those faculty members who intended to attain NED PhD Supervisor status. Training was comprised of 10 hours and 07 sessions. Training sessions were conducted by various field experts.

A training on “Quality Management System” was arranged for the faculty members and officers on October 2, 2024. Training was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Wasif (Director, QEC) and Dr. Faaz Ahmed Butt d (Dy. Director-I, QEC).
Dr. Faaz Ahmed Butt (Dy. Director-I, QEC) and Dr. Tariq Rehman, (Dy. Director-II, QEC) conducted a training on “Quality Management System” for PAs and Officer Assistants of various departments. Session was held on September 25, 2024.
Mr. Amjad Ali, Sr. IT Manager, Registrar Office has conducted a training on “Data Collection and Management”. Training was held on September 13, 2024 and attended by faculty members.
Training on “Time Management and work life Management” was arranged for the Officers and Staff on September 11, 2024. Mr. Adnan Khan, Head of the Department, SUPARCO, Institute of Technical Training conducted this session.
